Sali is an artist born in Hawaii, with a unique childhood spent living in various US states, Japan, and Korea due to her military aviator father. After attending university in Tokyo, she moved to Los Angeles where she finally put down roots. Growing up in-between various cultures, Sali developed a rich and unique inner life that became the foundation for all of her work.
After years as a small business owner, Sali’s full-time painting practice began. It became her meditation, vehicle, and voice on this spiritual journey, making her complete on a deeply soulful level. Her deepest wish for her work is to touch the viewer in some way on just such a level, to make them pause and reflect on or connect with their deeper selves. Her work has found collectors across the US and internationally.
Sali’s work is a reflection of her inner space, suspended between here and there. It is her vehicle for expressing the feelings and dreams that have only ever existed as intangibles. Her work has been exhibited in galleries and collected by private collectors across the United States and internationally.