In 2017, the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts enlisted the expertise of James Chase to embellish boarded windows and alley separators in Factory Court, Wyandotte Alley, and North Main Street. The project was made possible through the generous support of the Department of Economic Development and Rochester Main Street.
Karen Pollard, the Economic Development Manager, stated that “the Arts & Prosperity survey, compiled by Americans for the Arts, measures the economic impact of art and cultural contributions within the community. The arts have been proven to be one of the most powerful economic engines in Rochester, and we are thrilled to support public art throughout our community. We look forward to working with James on this project.”
James Chase is an accomplished artist, having participated in over 50 art exhibitions since 2009. He recently held solo exhibitions including Echoes with the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts and Kill The Lights at South Plains College in Levelland, TX.
Chase expressed gratitude at having been commissioned by the Rochester Museum of Fine Arts for this public art project, noting that “it says a lot when local organizations and municipalities invest in the arts. This project will hopefully further the appreciation for public art and help beautify the downtown. The opportunity to interact and give back to the community through the power of art is important to me. I truly believe art builds community.”